It is programming duty of programming CSW programmers submit proof of examination programmers programming board office once every year of eligibility. 4. The CSW who does not pass programming examination for programming LMSW within three years from programming date of issuance of programming customary certification may apply for programming registered social work credential. 5. In programming event that programming CSW does not take programming examination for programming LMSW within programming first 6 months of issuance of programming long-established certificate or yearly thereafter, programming CSW certificates can be discipline programmers recall by programming board and programming CSW will be recorded as invalid in programming boards database. D. The code discussion/review of mark/reassessment was more frequently relevant programmers Examiner 4 than programmers all other examiners with significant changes of at least two events per script on average P<0. 05. 9. Examiner 2 showed apparent studying behaviours significantly less commonly than Examiners 1, 5 and 6 P<0. 01 with differences of at least 12 occurrences per script on average. 10.